We love to draw inspiration from nutritional philosophies around the world when creating our recipes. Our particularly soothing and warm TCM breakfast is based on the 5-element theory, a pillar of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).
Based on the 5-element theory, we have created three finely balanced porridge varieties that make it easy to have breakfast in line with TCM. But what exactly is TCM nutrition? We have summarized the basics for you in this article.
TCM porridge from Verival – try it now
What is TCM?
“TCM” stands for ‘Traditional Chinese Medicine’ – a science that is thousands of years old and, as the name suggests, originated in China. However, it has become more and more important as an alternative healing method and a supplement to Western medicine, especially in recent years, here in Europe as well. A TCM treatment usually consists of several combined therapeutic methods.
According to traditional medicine, harmony between Yin (matter) and Yang (energy) is crucial for a person's health and well-being. If this harmony is disturbed, the life energy – the Qi – cannot flow properly. According to TCM, too much or too little Yin or Yang leads to disorders, weakens the function of the organs or causes disease.
TCM treatment is based on the following 5 pillars:
- Treatment methods of acupuncture (this form of therapy is now practiced worldwide, there are around 400 defined acupuncture points along the twelve meridians) and moxibustion
- Chinese drug therapy (a wide variety of herbs, medicinal plants, minerals or extracts are used in drug therapy)
- Breathing and movement exercises (Qigong, Tai Chi)
- Traditional massages (Tuina)
- The 5-elements nutrition (dietetics)
Traditional Chinese medicine is a holistic healing art that is becoming more and more widespread outside of China in our western world. It is often used as a supplement to conventional medical treatment.
Before a TCM therapy, a so-called tongue diagnosis, an examination of the breathing sounds and a pulse diagnosis are always carried out.
Incidentally, in some countries, complementary medicine treatments, including TCM, are already partially included in the range of services covered by insurance companies.
Yin and Yang
You have probably already come across the term “Yin and Yang”. The symbol is widely known and we have all heard that Yin stands for the feminine and Yang for the masculine.
This actually explains the concept quite well, because Yin and Yang stand for opposites, with one always containing a little of the other, as the symbol also shows. To maintain qi balance, so that body and mind are healthy, neither Yin nor Yang should predominate.
The Qi
Anyone who has studied Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) will have come across the word “Qi”, which is at the center of this science. In the Western world, the term “Qi” is usually translated as “energy”, which is insufficient because there is much more to it. However, a clear, short translation into German or other languages has been impossible to date – and will probably remain so.
The literal translation of the Chinese term “Qi”, which consists of two characters, is “rice” and “haze” or “vapor”. This is to illustrate that Qi is immaterial (like vapor) on the one hand, but on the other hand it can also be as dense and material as rice. In TCM, qi is thus understood as the basis of all material and spiritual life. For a healthy body and mind, it is essential that qi is in balance. The basis of TCM is the assumption that the life energy qi flows through the body in certain channels, connecting all organs with each other.
Healthy sports breakfast from Verival
The 5-element theory
But qi is also part of a cycle: the 5-element theory is also referred to as the “philosophy of the nourishing cycle” because it is based on the interaction of the 5 elements wood, fire, earth, metal and water. Each element is associated with certain characteristics such as seasons, organs, tastes, colors, emotions, climatic factors, etc.
The elements form a cycle in which they nourish, follow and depend on each other. Wood turns into fire, fire turns into ash. Ash nourishes the earth, from which metal arises, and metal enriches water.
This is how nutrition works according to traditional Chinese medicine
TCM nutrition, or 5-element nutrition, plays an important role in traditional Chinese medicine. It contributes significantly to keeping Yin and Yang in balance or to restoring balance. The 5-element nutrition is a holistic approach that aims to combine the well-being of the body with the well-being of the soul.
This diet is becoming increasingly popular because it takes into account the human being as a whole, i.e. body and mind. It also means that you know your body inside out and can support it when it is out of balance so that you soon feel on top of the world again. The aim is to ensure physical health and mental balance through high-quality and regional, primarily organically grown food.
The basic theory of TCM nutrition states that every person and every food has a temperature – cold, cool, neutral, warm or hot. If the temperature of the person and the food do not match, our well-being is disturbed.
The principle of the five elements in TCM nutrition
TCM nutrition works according to the principle of the five elements. The elements earth, metal, water, wood and fire represent the five different flavors, are associated with certain organs and influence our body in a certain way. The flavor of a food determines its effect:
- Bitter – fire – heart and small intestine – cooling, drying, cleansing and digestive
- Sweet – earth – spleen and stomach – moisturizing, relaxing, strengthening and filling
- Sour – wood – liver and gall bladder – astringent, cooling and refreshing
- Hot – metal – lungs and large intestine – warming and dispersing
- Salty – water – bladder and kidney – softening and draining
The most important basic rules of TCM nutrition
When should I eat? – The internal organ clock
You probably know the saying: “Eat like an emperor in the morning, like a king at noon and like a pauper in the evening.” This is also the case with 5-element nutrition. The focus is on breakfast and the first half of the day. Why? According to TCM, everyone has an internal organ clock. This means that certain organs (also called functional circuits in TCM) work better than others at certain times of the day.
The digestive organs, i.e. the large intestine, stomach, pancreas, small intestine and spleen, work best in the morning and at lunchtime. This means that you can digest food best at this time of day. Incidentally, you should only eat your first meal when you are really hungry. You don't have to force yourself to have breakfast at seven in the morning when your body is still resisting it. Eat when you feel hungry and pay attention to your satiety. TCM is therefore all about listening to your body. Eating healthily means observing your body and the effect of food on your organism and reacting accordingly.
Accordingly, breakfast should be high in carbohydrates, which you can use to fill your energy stores for the day. At lunchtime, a more easily digestible mixed meal is more appropriate, while soup is a perfect choice for the evening meal. As a basic rule of traditional Chinese medicine nutrition, you can remember that anything that is easy for your body to digest is healthy. For example, foods that are high in fat and sugar are difficult for our body to digest, but raw foods can also be a challenge for our body.
A warm Verival Porrdige is a great way to start the day.
What should I eat?
In addition to being categorized according to their different flavors, all foods are also categorized according to temperature: hot, warm, neutral, refreshing or cool. For example, cinnamon and all hot spices have a heating effect, while oats warm the body, rice has a neutral effect, spelt is refreshing and salt or green tea, for example, release cool energy. Traditional Chinese nutrition is based on the assumption that the food we eat also has a thermal effect on our body.
The following guidelines apply in TCM nutrition:
- Neutral foods combined with cooling and warming foods should be preferred.
- Hot or cold foods should only be eaten in moderation.
Here you can read on the basis of a few examples how foods can be categorized according to their temperature behavior:
hot: spices such as ginger, cinnamon, chili, curry, coffee, cocoa, blue cheese, high-percentage alcohol, grilled meat,...
warm: cooked meat, fennel, fish, seafood (prawns), long-grain rice, millet, egg yolk, nuts, leeks, onions, peach, cherries, raspberries, mandarins, radishes,
neutral: cereals (although some cereals are warming and others refreshing – here it is necessary to differentiate even more precisely), cabbage, carrot, legumes, cooked vegetables, very ripe fruit, some types of fish, milk and dairy products (but they should only be on the diet if they are tolerated well),...
refreshing: raw vegetables, juicy fruit, soured milk products (yoghurt, buttermilk, etc.),...
cold: unripe fruit, tomatoes, cucumbers, pineapple, watermelon, kiwi, lemons, mangoes, soy sauce, crabs, salt,...
According to TCM, eating too many cooling foods can have a negative effect on your digestion. This can cause diarrhea, constipation, bloating or flatulence. Too many hot foods tend to have a drying effect, which can be a problem for people with skin diseases, for example.
Interesting fact: TCM recommends eating lots of raw vegetables only for athletes. Digesting raw food is too strenuous for the average body.
Is the TCM diet the right approach to healthy eating?
To organize your diet according to traditional Chinese medicine, you need to know your body very well in order to perceive what it needs at any given moment. The aim of TCM nutrition is to create a healthy diet that strengthens the body's immune system, maintains vitality and, at the same time, promotes inner peace.
It is also important that traditional Chinese medicine prefers high-quality foods, ideally from organic farming, without chemical ingredients and food supplements. Because conscious eating starts with conscious shopping. You also have to focus entirely on your body and its needs.
To prepare an ideal meal according to TCM or 5-element cuisine, both taste and “temperature” should be considered when selecting ingredients. This can sometimes be quite difficult, at least until you get a little practice.
For which complaints can a TCM diet provide relief?
- chronic pain: back pain, joint pain, rheumatism, etc.
- Respiratory diseases: chronic bronchitis or sinusitis, asthma
- Cardiovascular diseases: cardiac arrhythmias, high or low blood pressure, circulatory disorders
- Neurological diseases: follow-up treatment for stroke, polyneuropathy, dizziness, sleep disorders, general exhaustion
- Skin diseases: atopic dermatitis, poor wound healing, itching, acne
- Gastrointestinal diseases: irritation and inflammation of the gastric mucosa, gastritis, constipation, diarrhea, Crohn's disease, functional disorders of the gallbladder or liver
- Gynecological diseases: menstrual cramps, menopausal symptoms, general menstrual disorders, premenstrual syndrome, infertility
- Urological diseases: bladder inflammation, urinary incontinence, impotence
- Support for mental health complaints
A healthier breakfast – Verival
TCM breakfast from Verival
We can make it easy for you to eat according to the 5-element kitchen with the most important meal of the day, because all our 5-element porridges are already a perfect combination. Depending on what your body needs at the moment, you can choose between the warming sour cherry-cocoa oat porridge, the harmonizing coconut-orange rice porridge and the slightly cooling apricot-strawberry spelt porridge.
But no matter what effect the porridge has, the fact is: a warm breakfast is simply better because it aids digestion, keeps you fuller for longer, strengthens the immune system and the nutrients it contains can be better absorbed. Just give it a try for a while and see how you feel.
Frequently asked questions
What do TCM eat in the evening?
Plenty of vegetables are beneficial and suitable for the evening, and should make up the majority of your dinner. From the perspective of Traditional Chinese Nutrition, it is better to eat cooked vegetables. So steamed, boiled, grilled or baked vegetables. In the evening, for example, soup is also a very good choice! If you want to ensure a good night's sleep, you should eat mainly cooked food in the evening and avoid raw vegetables and bread.
What can TCM help with?
You can support your body with TCM nutrition for a wide range of symptoms or complaints. Here is a list of possible areas of application: Pain (back pain, joint pain, rheumatism, etc.); respiratory diseases: chronic bronchitis or sinusitis, asthma; cardiovascular diseases: cardiac arrhythmia, high or low blood pressure, circulatory disorders; Neurological disorders: follow-up treatment for stroke, polyneuropathy, dizziness, sleep disorders, general exhaustion; Skin disorders: atopic dermatitis, poor wound healing, itching, acne; Gastrointestinal disorders: irritation and inflammation of the gastric mucosa, gastritis, constipation, diarrhea, Crohn's disease, functional disorders of the gallbladder or liver; Gynecological diseases: menstrual cramps, menopausal symptoms, general menstrual disorders, premenstrual syndrome, infertility; Urological diseases: bladder inflammation, urinary incontinence, impotence;
How many meals according to TCM?
According to TCM, it is recommended to eat at least 2 cooked meals a day! It can also be more cooked meals. Especially if your digestion is very sensitive, it is supported and strengthened by this type of nutrition.
Why no bread in TCM?
Bread is not a popular food in traditional Chinese nutrition. It is difficult for the body to digest. If you tend to have digestive problems, you should eliminate bread from your diet if possible. It is better to eat cooked, easily digestible vegetables, very ripe fruit, long-grain rice and other neutral, slightly warming or slightly cooling foods.
Why no milk in TCM?
Many people today have poor digestion. Reasons for this: little exercise, sometimes poor nutrition, the general lifestyle often promotes poor digestion. From the point of view of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the consumption of dairy products (especially fermented dairy products) is not recommended. This puts additional strain on the digestive system.
What should you drink with TCM?
In traditional Chinese nutrition, warm water has always been described as healing. According to TCM, warm water has a detoxifying effect. The higher temperature boosts detoxification in the body (harmful substances are better removed from the body). There is scientific evidence that boiling water has advantages!
How quickly does TCM help?
For acute symptoms and complaints, an improvement or even a complete cure can usually be achieved within 1 to 2 treatment series. For chronic complaints, the treatment may take several - 3 to 5 - therapy series until the first successes are visible. But how long does a so-called treatment series actually last? A series includes 12 sessions. Of course, the type and duration of the treatments always depend on the specific clinical picture and the complaints present.
Which rice is used in TCM?
Rice is generally very important in traditional Chinese medicine. Rice is easy to digest and strengthens the digestive system. Brown rice and wholegrain rice are particularly good for the psyche and help with restlessness and emotional imbalance. Mochi (sweet rice) is often found at the breakfast table in TCM - it keeps you full for a long time and is beneficial for your stomach.
What is the difference between TCM and Ayurveda?
There are parallels but also differences. Both approaches see the common denominator in the energetic approach to food. The main difference is that individual foods are evaluated differently. However, the similarities outweigh the differences – and the change is smaller than many assume. It is important to be aware of your own type. In both approaches, this is not done by blood tests or other analyzes, but by asking specific questions and thus getting to know your body and self better.
Which tea to drink with TCM?
When it's hot, white tea and green tea have a pleasant cooling effect, are invigorating and strengthen the ability to concentrate. In the cold season, teas with herbs and spices with a warming effect can be used: such as fennel tea, grain coffee, Indian spice tea, ginger water, black tea, yoga tea, cinnamon bark tea, etc.
Which bread should you eat according to TCM?
It's better not to buy whole grain bread, as it is even harder to digest. Make sure that the bread is not made with baking mixes, as this will help you avoid harmful chemical additives and the often very high amounts of salt in these ready-mixes. The best option is to bake your own bread – that way, you alone decide on the exact ingredients.
What exactly is TCM?
“TCM” stands for ‘Traditional Chinese Medicine’ – a millennia-old science that, as the name suggests, originated in China. However, it has become more and more important in Europe as well, especially in recent years, as an alternative healing method and a supplement to Western medicine. TCM treatment usually consists of several combined therapeutic methods. According to traditional medicine, harmony between Yin (matter) and Yang (energy) is crucial for a person's health and well-being. If this harmony is disturbed, the life energy - the Qi - cannot flow properly. According to TCM, too much or too little Yin or Yang leads to health problems, weakens the function of the organs or causes illness. Traditional Chinese medicine is a holistic healing art that is becoming more and more widespread outside of China in our western world. It is often used to supplement conventional medical treatment. TCM treatment is based on the following 5 pillars: Acupuncture and moxibustion. Chinese herbal medicine. Breathing and movement exercises. Traditional massages. 5-element nutrition.
What can be treated with TCM?
Chronic pain, respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, neurological diseases, skin diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, gynecological diseases, urological diseases and mental disorders can be positively influenced and sometimes completely cured with TCM.
Which organ is represented by which color in TCM?
Bitter – Fire – Heart and Small Intestine – cooling, drying, cleansing and digestive Sweet – Earth – Spleen and Stomach – moisturizing, relaxing, strengthening and satiating Sour – Wood – Liver and Gallbladder – astringent, cooling and refreshing Pungent – metal – lungs and large intestine – warming and dispersing Salty – water – bladder and kidney – softening and draining
Which organ is fear located in?
According to TCM, fear occurs more frequently due to weak kidneys. At the same time, excessive fear weakens this organ. Important: emotions have their place. However, it is important to find a healthy and non-pathogenic center, which also applies to our feelings.
In which organ is anger located?
According to TCM, anger and aggression occur more frequently when the energy of the liver is blocked or, conversely, unexpressed anger also leads to a disruption in the functional circuit of the liver. This can manifest itself, for example, in the form of headaches, tension or even high blood pressure. In addition to exercise and venting anger, taking the right foods also helps. Stagnant energy needs food that has a “sharper character”, such as leeks, radishes, radishes, kohlrabi and all foods that contain chlorophyll. Coffee also often works very well here.