When the metabolism goes off the rails, the road to feeling good about your weight is often rocky without the right foods. If the metabolic processes inside our body are disturbed, the nutrients from our food can no longer be properly absorbed and processed. The result: unwanted extra kilos, sluggish digestion, and low energy.
So that you can get your metabolism back on track, we have collected some valuable tips for you. Find out which foods can boost your metabolism and what else you need to keep in mind.
How does metabolism work?
Metabolism describes all biochemical processes that take place within a cell. Enzymes, hormones, and nutrients work at high pressure to transform and break down our meals so that every cell in the body is supplied with what it needs.
In short, our metabolism is responsible for properly utilizing our food . We absorb nutrients in the form of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, which are broken down into their individual components in the digestive process. Thus, carbohydrates become simple sugar molecules, proteins become amino acids, and fats become fatty acids. Only through this process can the nutrients be absorbed by the intestines and subsequently enter the blood. The individual nutrient molecules are then distributed to the cells throughout the body via the blood.

Although we talk about metabolism in the singular in everyday life, several different processes are actually involved in nutrient utilization. Among the most important are carbohydrate metabolism, fat metabolism, and protein metabolism. In these examples, the name already reveals which substance is processed in the respective process.
A disturbed metabolism
If there are problems with the utilization or transport of nutrients, it is called a disturbed metabolism , which is really not uncommon.
Those affected often have problems losing weight , complain of difficulty concentrating , have a pronounced feeling of coldness or suffer from loss of appetite . Externally, a disturbed metabolism is also often manifested by brittle nails and split ends in the hair.

In an emergency, metabolic diseases such as diabetes, gout, or hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism can occur, to name just the most common. They are characterized by a hormone or enzyme deficiency.
If several of the above symptoms apply to you, you should see a doctor to make sure that you are healthy.
Metabolic disorders and a slow metabolism can be genetically determined on the one. hand, but on the other hand, they often arise due to unhealthy lifestyle habits . In this case, a change in lifestyle is of great importance for the course of the disease or to stimulate the metabolism.
Tips to re-start your metabolism
If there is no serious metabolic disease, your metabolism can be revived with our tips:
Tip 1: Drink enough
The metabolism can only fulfill its tasks with sufficient water, because hydration excretes toxins from your body . As a guideline, an adult should drink about two liters of water per day.
Tip 2: Avoid alcohol
Alcohol is poison to the body , which must be broken down as quickly as possible. As a result, other metabolic processes have to wait and either proceed very slowly or are even stopped.
Tip 3: Keep moving
Lots of knowledge: If you exercise regularly , you stimulate your metabolism. But you don't always have to break a sweat. Sometimes it is enough if you go for a walk in nature or consciously integrate exercise into your everyday life .

Tip 4: Eat healthy
A healthy diet is essential for a functioning metabolism. Because only if you provide your body with the right foods can your metabolism achieve its maximum performance.
It should also be mentioned that frequent diets are bad for the metabolism . If your body does not get enough food, it slows down and runs in emergency mode, so to speak.
At VERIVAL, we also attach great importance to healthy ingredients in addition to organic quality in all our products. We succeeded particularly well with our Sport Range with a delicious breakfast for high-performance days.
10 Foods to Boost Your Metabolism
If your body is already running low or is unable to optimally utilize nutrients for some reason, the following foods can help:
Water, water, and more water
Let's start with the basics: As already mentioned, you should definitely drink enough to support your metabolism in its work. Water is necessary to excrete all toxic substances that accumulate in your body.

Now that the basics have been clarified, we will introduce you to other foods that can stimulate your metabolism:
Chia Seeds – Miracle Seeds from Mexico
The pseudo-cereal from Mexico is now enjoying great popularity, and not without reason. Since the small seeds contain a considerable amount of healthy nutrients, they are now considered a true superfood .
If you want to see the kilos tumble, you can rely on chia seeds and their effect , because they not only fill you up for a long time , but also provide many vitamins and minerals . These valuable ingredients also stimulate the metabolism.
For example, our raspberry chia pudding offers a delicious way to harness the power of chia seeds:
Chia seed pudding with raspberries

- 2 tbsp chia seeds
- 1 pack of vanilla sugar
- 100 ml milk or plant drink
- Fresh raspberries
Pour the chia seeds and vanilla sugar with milk or a plant drink of your choice.
Puree the fresh raspberries and mix them wholly or partially with the pudding.
Leave to swell in the fridge for at least 2 hours, preferably overnight.
Garnish as desired with berries and chia seeds or coconut flakes.
Nutritional values
Flaxseed – Regional Superfood
Unlike chia seeds, flaxseed does not have to fly halfway around the world to end up in our breakfast cereal. The regional miracle seeds are also produced in our latitudes.
Flaxseed – whether whole or crushed – swells when you put it in water. It is also this property that makes it an indispensable food to get your metabolism going . By swelling in the gastrointestinal tract , the seeds absorb toxins , which are thus transported out of the body much faster.
The regional superfood not only makes a good cereal, but is also a popular topping for oatmeal .
Almonds and other nuts
Although all types of nuts stimulate your metabolism, almonds are probably the best suited for this. They provide you with healthy, unsaturated fatty acids and keep your blood sugar levels in balance . It is also said that the crunchy seeds have a positive effect on fat burning .

Green Tea – Proven Diet Helper
Green tea is mentioned in many diet guides, as the popular hot drink is said to stimulate metabolism and fat burning . It is also said that the bitter substances contained in it act as an appetite suppressant. Those who regularly drink green tea can benefit from the positive effects.
Coffee – Stimulant for metabolism
The most popular of all stimulants is not only known for curbing appetite , but it also helps the body burn more calories . In addition, it stimulates digestion and thus also enhances your metabolism.
Attention: Milk and sugar in coffee nullify these benefits, so you should always enjoy the awakener black and unsweetened.
Lemons – sour cheer-ups
Because of their high vitamin C content , lemons are not only boosters for your immune system , but also for your metabolism .
Start your day with delicious lemon water to benefit from the positive effects of the citrus fruit. To do this, take the juice of a fresh lemon and mix it with water. It is best to drink the mixture in the morning on an empty stomach.
Cinnamon – Secret Miracle Weapon
According to one study, cinnamon improves the effect of insulin . As a result, the body has to release less of the blood sugar-regulating hormone. This means that the insulin level does not rise as rapidly after a meal and cravings have no chance.
Berries – Sweet all-rounders
We already know that berries are healthy for breakfast . However, they not only contain numerous vitamins for the morning energy boost but also antioxidants that protect the body from free radicals and boost metabolism.

Porridge – kick start for metabolism
Those who enjoy porridge for breakfast do something good for their body early in the morning. The high fiber content of oatmeal stimulates digestion and gets the metabolism going properly . The complex carbohydrates make the blood sugar level rise less quickly, which means you get fewer cravings for sweets.
Warm oatmeal, in particular can work wonders as a food when your metabolism is sluggish. The first positive changes often occur after a few days.
You can either make porridge yourself with our basic recipe for oatmeal and refine it with toppings of your choice, or you can try our diverse porridge range and discover new, delicious variations.