Almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, cashews, peanuts – there is truly a wide selection of nuts and there is something for every taste. Nuts are excellent sources of nutrients – they not only provide us with healthy fats, but also plenty of vitamins, minerals, and trace elements.
In this post, we introduce you to five nuts and explain why they should definitely be on your menu. We detail why it makes sense to cover part of your daily needs in the form of nuts and which nuts deliver which benefits.
1. Reasons why hazelnuts are healthy
Hazelnuts have a positive effect on memory performance . Healthy eating is important for the entire body, especially for the brain.
The unsaturated fatty acids contained in hazelnuts can lower cholesterol levels . A handful of nuts, such as our beloved hazelnuts, already lower blood fat levels. The fatty acids not only positively affect cholesterol levels, but also contribute to a healthy heart, vessels, and circulation.
Hazelnuts are an excellent source of vitamins. They contain the following B vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B6, B7, and B9. Vitamin B7, for example, is important for hair growth, numerous metabolic processes, and the nervous system. The daily requirement is already covered by just 73 grams of hazelnuts. The daily optimal intake of vitamin E can be achieved with about 50 grams of nuts.
In addition to important proteins and many vitamins, hazelnuts also contain minerals such as calcium and phosphorus, which strengthen our bones, as well as iron.
Hazelnuts have a relatively high fiber content of 8.6 g per 100 g.

2. Why we recommend eating almonds
Almonds contain almost 60% fat. These fats regulate blood lipid levels and protect our heart. In addition, almonds provide a considerable protein content of 30%. A handful of almonds (30 grams) yields about 9 grams of protein.
Furthermore, the nuts supply healthy fiber , vitamins B and E, as well as important minerals such as magnesium and calcium.
Almonds are attributed with a prebiotic effect. This means they positively influence our intestinal flora, which significantly contributes to a functioning immune system and, thus, to our health.
The brown skin of almonds not only supports the intestinal flora, but also helps keep us young and healthy. This is due to the high content of vitamin E, which has antioxidant properties.
In addition to other minerals, almonds also contain magnesium, which plays an essential role in the transmission of stimuli between nerves and muscles.
3. That's why walnuts are a real superfood
The walnut contains a high proportion of lecithin. This ingredient is then further converted by the body into the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is why walnuts can enhance the performance and concentration of your brain.
The walnut is particularly known for its high content of omega-3 fatty acids. A specific fatty acid is contained in particularly large amounts: alpha-linolenic acid. This fatty acid protects our organism from free radicals and can also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Antioxidants are also present in walnuts in larger amounts. They protect our body from free radicals and can therefore help to guard you against a variety of diseases.
Although the walnut may not seem particularly healthy at first glance with a high fat content of 62g per 100g, it is rich in healthy fatty acids and can even aid in weight loss.
Not only are the macronutrients in foods essential, but micronutrients, such as minerals and vitamins, are also an important component. Walnuts are particularly rich in magnesium, potassium, zinc, and iron.

4. That's why cashews should be in your diet
Cashews contain 18 grams of protein per 100 grams and are therefore indispensable as a vegan protein source. The amino acids found in them help build and maintain muscle.
Cashews have a high proportion of L-tryptophan. This amino acid is a critical building block of the neurotransmitter serotonin. Serotonin, in turn, is one of the so-called "happiness hormones" and thus increases well-being and feelings of happiness.
The healthy fatty acids in cashews have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. The unsaturated fatty acids lower cholesterol levels and blood pressure.
Particularly, the B-complex vitamins in cashews also have a positive effect on brain performance. Minerals such as copper, iron, and zinc along with B vitamins have a positive impact on metabolism.
Cashews are beneficial for the nerves – for example, vitamin B12 provides protection, development, and regeneration of the nervous system. 1
Vitamin B12 contributes to the normal function of the nervous system and to normal psychological function. It also plays an important role in the breakdown of fatty acids and amino acids, effectively contributing to normal energy metabolism. 2
5. The positive properties of peanuts
Especially for people with a predominantly plant-based diet, peanuts are considered a popular vegan protein source – not for nothing, as with a protein content of 24%, they even outstrip some animal sources, making them ideal for supporting muscle building.
Peanuts consist of almost 50 percent fat – yet they are regarded as healthy. This is mainly because they contain abundant unsaturated fatty acids and can even help improve cholesterol levels and support the cardiovascular system.
Carbohydrates, on the other hand, are only contained in small amounts – so they are especially interesting for people with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes since the combination of abundant fat and fiber along with the small amount of carbohydrates results in only a low insulin secretion.
Peanuts are regarded as one of the most magnesium-rich plant foods. Combined with the high zinc, iron, and potassium content, they ensure the maintenance of many vital processes in the body.
Peanuts provide us with plenty of vitamin E and vitamin B3. These vitamins not only play important roles in various metabolic processes but also support our body's immune defense.

As you can see, almonds, peanuts, walnuts, cashews, and hazelnuts have a plethora of benefits and should not be absent from any diet plan. It is often said that nuts are calorie bombs due to their high fat content. However, as we now know, this fat has many positive properties, and when consuming the right amount of nuts, they definitely do not make you gain weight.
If you enjoy the taste of nuts, try our colorful nut blends. There’s something for everyone!
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1.Reynolds E. Vitamin B12, folic acid, and the nervous system. The Lancet Neurology . Published online November 2006: 949-960. doi: 10.1016/s1474-4422(06)70598-1
2.Romain M, Sviri S, Linton DM, Stav I, van Heerden PV. The Role of Vitamin B12 in the Critically Ill—a Review. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care . Published online July 2016: 447-452. doi: 10.1177/0310057×1604400410