Without the protection of your immune system , you would be in constant danger to your life : you are constantly exposed to germs , regardless of whether you touch, inhale or take in something.
The body's immune system is therefore on constant alert and reacts immediately when harmful pathogens enter your body. Therefore, the immune system does not describe an organ , but really a complex system , a network, the security of your body.
Natural protective barriers against foreign bodies and pathogens are skin , mucous membranes and certain lymphatic organs (spleen, lymph nodes,...). If intruders nevertheless succeed in breaking through this protective barrier , a defense process is set in motion.
Find out here how your immune system works , what damages it and how you can strengthen and support your immune system with enough exercise and a healthy diet !
Immune System – What is it easily explained?
Our immune system is an endogenous defense system that protects us from pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites.
They can invade our bodies and cause dysfunction or disease.
Our immune system also protects us from the body's own defective cells, which have lost their function. These cells must be broken down so that they do not degenerate morbidly and lead to the development of cancer. 1
The immune system extends over our entire body and consists of various parts. In general, there are two different types of immune defense.
Nonspecific (innate) immunity is already present from birth. This allows us humans to react immediately to foreign invaders and germs.
The specific (acquired) immunity must first develop over the course of life and is characterised by its great adaptability to new pathogens.

This allows the body to develop a so-called immunological memory, which helps the immune system fight off recurring germs more quickly.
The aim of active immunisation is therefore to build up long-term effective protection with the help of a vaccination.
Current example: Vaccination is currently the only effective remedy against the current coronavirus pandemic.
This means that a small dose of the viruses is administered to the body through vaccination and the immune system begins to fight the invaders.

Thus, through a long-term immunization of the population by means of "herd immunity" and the now formed, immunological memory, Covid-19 is to be combated.
In addition to the blood with its specific immune cells, the so-called lymphatic system with lymphatic organs such as the bone marrow, the thymus gland, the spleen and even the tonsils are also involved in the immune defense.
In addition, skin and mucous membranes provide important protection against substances and invaders from the outside.
What functions does the immune system have?
The main task of the immune defense is the detection of foreign invaders such as bacteria, fungi, viruses or pathogenic mutated cells.
When a foreign body is detected, specific antibodies are formed to fight and destroy the pathogens. In the course of life, the body forms an immunological memory.
It quasi stores information about the surface structures of the foreign cells in order to be able to react better and, above all, faster to the next intrusion of similar substances.
The distinction between endogenous and exogenous structures is also particularly important. After all, our immune system should only fight foreign cells and not attack itself.
What weakens immunity?
A weak immune system can no longer function smoothly. Basic diseases, but also an unhealthy lifestyle are typical causes of a weakened immune system and impair its performance.
These include frequent consumption of alcohol and nicotine, persistent stress, and lack of exercise and sleep. Nutrition is also a crucial aspect for the immune system, because well-functioning cells also want to be well supplied.
This unhealthy lifestyle can lead to diseases and an unbalanced intestinal flora, because dangerous pathogens have such easy play. Keep your gut healthy with a healthy breakfast, such as cereal or porridge.
Diseases of the immune system
- Congenital immune deficiencies : common diseases, especially infections, that recur repeatedly, often last for a long time, weaken the body and are chronic
- Antibody deficiency: too few B cells or the B cells do not work properly (they either produce no antibodies or too few antibodies or are simply unable to produce antibodies against very specific infections)
- Defective phagocytes: Phagocytes cannot produce the oxygen-transporting enzymes they need to destroy certain germs (usually these large white blood cells devour pathogens and thus destroy them)
What positively affects the immune system?
Now you have already learned a lot about the immune system and are asking yourself: How do I strengthen my immune system? The good news is that it's usually up to you to strengthen your defenses.
Because a healthy immune system is mainly based on two pillars: a nutrient-rich, immune system-boosting diet, including fruits, fruits and vegetables, and sufficient exercise. If both are taken into account in the long term, the body's own defences will also remain ready for use in the long term.
Healthy diet – defence against pathogens
Zinc and vitamin C play a special role in a healthy diet to strengthen the immune system. The body cannot produce zinc on its own, but it needs it to form the immune cells.
Zinc suppliers suitable for everyday use are beef liver, Edam and Emmental or oatmeal . Good vitamin C suppliers are, for example, citrus fruits, kiwis, sea buckthorn, green cabbage and Brussels sprouts.
Drinking a lot is also part of a healthy diet and keeps the mucous membranes moist, which is crucial for their protective and defence function.

Exercise for a better immune defence
Endurance sports in the fresh air are particularly good, preferably several times a week. Muscle activity "tickles" the immune system and exercises.
The release of antibodies increases and other systems involved in the immune system, such as the spleen and lymph nodes, are also better supplied with blood and thus their performance is increased.
If you have a lot of stress, you can not only exercise, but also provide additional balance through yoga or autogenic training.
A strong immune system through relaxation and sleep
Relax! During stress, we are particularly susceptible to infections, which causes your immune system to suffer in the long term. The only thing that helps is relaxation, such as regular breaks and breaks.
Likewise, getting enough sleep, at least six to eight hours, helps to strengthen the immune system. This gives cells and processes time to recover.
Strengthen the immune system – prevent diseases by eating a healthy breakfast
For your day to be a success in every way, a healthy breakfast is fundamental. It not only gives you a good feeling and enough energy, but also helps your body to build up a strong immune system.
At VERIVAL, we have the ideal superfood for your healthy start to the day: oats ! If you think the grain is boring and reminds you of your grandma's breakfast, you're wrong. Or, in this case, your grandmother was a very smart woman!
The satiety maker not only provides good carbohydrates and proteins, it can be pimped up for every taste and is gentle on your wallet.
Oatmeal makes you and your immune system perform at their best. They provide just as much zinc as a steak and thus strengthen your defenses.

Processed as a porridge , the hot breakfast relieves your body. It has to expend less energy, which avoids additional stress, strengthens your immune system and boosts your metabolism . In addition, important trace elements and minerals can be better absorbed.
Cover a quarter of your daily nutrient needs in the morning? Eat an environmentally friendly, organic and healthy diet? Need tips on how to boost your immune system ? No problem with a bowl of porridge! We at VERIVAL think that sounds cool! What do you think?
1.Parkin J, Cohen B. An overview of the immune system. The Lancet . Published online June 2001:1777-1789. doi: 10.1016/s0140-6736(00)04904-7