There are so many different ways to use oatmeal in food. But the question arises, how much oatmeal should you really eat per day?
These small flakes are good for so many things: for losing weight , against stomach discomfort , skin , hair and nails . They provide real satiety, bring energy and proteins, and much more.
Oats are a real " superfood " if you want to eat healthy. But how many grams of oatmeal should you eat per day ? Basically, it is individual how high the demand for oatmeal per day is.
According to the German Nutrition Society, the recommended reference amount for the daily intake of fiber for men and women is 14.6 g per 1,000 kcal. 1 So with an energy requirement of 2,000 kcal daily, at least 30 g should consist of fiber.
Oatmeal contains 10 grams of fiber per 100 grams , so 300 grams of oatmeal is enough to meet the recommended daily requirement.
Or less , because if you combine oatmeal in the porridge with berries, nuts, or broccoli, more fiber is added. Here's what to keep in mind!
In the following article, you will learn when to eat oatmeal, what makes oatmeal so healthy, and how you can lose weight with oatmeal.
When should I eat oatmeal and how much?
Oatmeal makes you full quickly and for a long time. For example, if you eat an oat cereal in the morning, you won't feel any hunger or cravings until lunch.
For breakfast, it is advantageous to eat this basic food, as it contributes to the satisfaction of hunger and keeps you full until noon.
The most popular way to eat these flakes is called porridge or oatmeal. In German, this means as much as oatmeal.
To do this, you have to place the oats in boiling milk or boiling water and let them cook.
If you want, you can decorate the porridge with fruit, berries or nuts afterwards. With chia seeds , you can also consume this staple food.
Basically, one serving of porridge has about 40-50 grams of oatmeal. This corresponds to 5-6 tablespoons of oatmeal.
Can I also eat oatmeal in the evening?
Generally yes. You can eat it in the evening, but you need to be aware that the flakes will fill you up for a long time, and you should not eat them right before bed.
However, if you can't get enough of oatmeal, eat it at least two to three hours before you go to bed.
What you can definitely do in the evening is overnight oats . Here's how it works: In the evening, you prepare your oats and let them swell overnight. In the morning, you can add some more fruit or nuts and then eat it directly or take it to work.
What makes oatmeal so healthy?

This essential staple is made from the simple oat seed. Only the non-edible parts of the oat are removed, and all that remains are the valuable nutrient-rich layers. This makes these flakes a real health benefit.
Oatmeal mainly contains
- Fiber, which is an aid against gastrointestinal complaints, as it forms a protective layer on the gastrointestinal mucosa, preventing stomach acid from attacking the mucosa. It also acts as a satiating agent and boosts digestion at the same time. The German Nutrition Society (DGE) recommends 30g of fiber per day.
- Complex, long-chain carbohydrates that raise blood sugar slowly, allowing glucose to enter the bloodstream gradually.
- They are the most important source of beta glucan.
- Vitamins B1 and B2, which ensure shiny hair, clean skin, and nails.
- Copper, which tightens the connective tissue.
- Zinc, which is responsible for protein formation and cell division.
They mainly help with (according to DGE)
- Lower cholesterol levels
- Reduce the risk of diabetes
- Soluble fiber protects the heart and cardiovascular system