Are you familiar with the latest nutrition trends ? Then you've probably heard of Clean Eating , after all, a lot has been reported about this diet in recent years. Following this, we take a close look at the concept and see whether it is more of a long-term diet or whether it is only recommended as a short-term diet!
Clean eating – a definition
Clean eating refers to a diet in which industrially processed foods such as finished products are eliminated . Instead, fresh, unprocessed foods are on the menu. Depending on the variant, gluten, meat or fish and certain dairy products are also not consumed.
Prohibited Foods
Perhaps these rules sound confusing at first, so we would like to list a few foods in addition to the classic ready meals, which are not allowed according to this diet.
- Sugar & sweetener : As these products are processed or produced industrially. Alternatives can be, for example, maple syrup or applesauce.
- Cheese : Opinions are divided here, but processed cheese has little to do with the original product milk.
- Meat & fish : Here, too, there are different views. Some assume that meat can never be "clean". If it is to be consumed, it should definitely be of appropriate quality, unprocessed, and not in the form of sausage.
Clean eating = healthy?
Now that you know more about the topic, we wanted to focus on the original question: “Is clean eating healthy?” Well, the question is not so easy to answer, so let's take a closer look!
Many of the unauthorized, processed products are clearly not good for our health in the amounts we consume them. Many ready meals contain sugar and "empty calories" , i.e., foods that contain very little nutrients such as proteins or vitamins in addition to energy. Simply based on nutrient composition, Clean Eating is much healthier.
Furthermore, it automatically involves more engagement with the permitted foods, thereby building awareness about preparation methods and ingredients . So you know at all times what nutrients are supplied to your body.

In addition, some healthy components of food are lost through excessive industrial processing. Clean Eating guarantees that the individual ingredients are still rich in vitamins and minerals before you gently process them further.
Last but not least, Clean Eating can inspire or renew the joy of cooking! Numerous cookbooks or social media posts with the hashtag #cleaneating provide tips or suggestions on how to prepare your clean eating meals.
Clean eating – what should you keep in mind?
At first glance, Clean Eating seems to offer only advantages: the unprocessed foods have a higher nutrient content and you are more concerned with the products that you supply to your body. So absolutely recommendable, right?
We would like to draw your attention to a few considerations before you start the Clean Eating diet!
The Clean Eating concept is particularly successful in regions or countries where the rules on permitted additives in food tend to be looser. In the European Union or in Austria, where genetically modified ingredients or additives must be pointed out and the trend is also towards products without colorants, preservatives, or additives , the question of the meaningfulness of the Clean Eating concept thus arises. If certain ready meals or processed foods are not as unhealthy as assumed, is it acceptable to make exceptions from time to time when it has to be done quickly?
In addition, you can also feel stressed by Clean Eating ! Always cooking for yourself and being healthy requires a lot of time that many of us often do not have or do not prioritize in today's society. The pressure to eat the right foods and thus to control eating behavior is not recommended for people who have a history of eating disorders!

Comparing yourself to others who also follow this diet and supposedly adhere to it better can also be detrimental.
Another point is where to draw the dividing line! If you strictly adhere to the concept, for example, bread, rice, or even sugar are prohibited. However, maple syrup, for example, is allowed, which eventually has to be processed until it can be consumed.
Conclusion – is clean eating healthy?
Our answer is: Balance is the key!
For the body, it can clearly offer benefits if you take a look at which products you consume daily and omit unhealthy ingredients or products. Due to the fact that the products are processed as minimally as possible or not at all, many nutrients are still fully contained.

However, you should not neglect your psyche! If clean eating causes too much stress or pressure, a milder form such as only paying attention some days a week or only omitting certain foods may be the solution.
In summary, clean eating in its strict form can serve as a temporary diet, while a healthy diet is generally recommended. In addition, exceptions or cheat days do not signify the end of the world! As with everything, give it a try, pay attention to how you feel, and adapt the concept according to your needs!
How to Create Clean Eating at Breakfast
Breakfast is the first meal of the day and therefore important to have enough energy for the day ! A healthy breakfast ideally not only provides long-term energy but also contains important nutrients. In particular, foods with a high sugar content should be avoided to maintain concentration over a longer period and not only in the short term.

So a clean eating breakfast could look like this:
- Overnight oats with fresh fruit
- Oatmeal with fresh fruit
- Egg dish with avocado and tomatoes
- Muesli with fruit
- Sour breakfast muffins
A general overview of the various recommended products can be found here .
Clean eating with Verival
So as you can see, oatmeal is ideal as a base for a healthy breakfast! The grain convinces with its contained vitamins and minerals such as biotin or magnesium as well as the long-chain fiber beta-glucans, which ensure that you stay full for a long time.

Processed into a delicious porridge, our Verival Porridges surely fall into the "clean" category – after all, our porridges come without added sugar! We also use healthy whole grain oats.
Since the focus of Clean Eating is on foods that are as natural as possible, our Urkorn Müslis are also particularly interesting! Here, only special, old cereals are used, which are particularly well tolerated.
For those who prefer to mix their breakfast themselves, we also have the various pure flakes on offer as well as cereals or grains that you can process at home.
Clean Eating Recipes
A recipe that will make your day easier and can be refined with fresh fruit depending on the season is oatmeal. Below you will find our simple basic recipe for every day.

Porridge basic recipe – sugar-free and vegan
- 180 ml milk or plant drink
- 3-4 tbsp oatmeal
- 1 pinch of salt
Bring the milk (or plant drink) to a boil in a saucepan.
Add oatmeal and switch the stove to a low setting.
Simmer the porridge for about 5 minutes (stirring constantly with a spoon so that the milk does not burn and the porridge gets a nice creamy texture).
Remove the pot from the heat and let the porridge steep until it reaches the right consistency.
Finally, add a pinch of salt. This enhances the flavor of the oatmeal even more, whether you want to enjoy your porridge with sweet or savory toppings.
Our sugar-free apple bircher bars are perfect for a little hunger in between! If you want to make vegan bars, simply replace the butter with plant-based alternatives.

Sugar-free apple and bircher cereal bars
- 150 g Verival Bircher Urkorn Muesli
- 50 g butter , soft
- 60 g flour
- 50 g applesauce
- 2 eggs
- 2 apples
- 1 tsp. baking powder
- 1/2 tsp cinnamon
- 1 tsp. lemon juice
- 3 tbsp agave syrup or honey
- 3 tbsp maple syrup
Preheat the oven to 180°C circulating air.
Line a rectangular baking pan (approx. 32cmx24cm) with baking paper.
Stir the soft butter with agave syrup and maple syrup until creamy and add the eggs.
Mix the Bircher Urkorn Muesli with flour and baking powder.
Quarter an apple (preferably with peel), remove the seeds and roughly grate. Mix with lemon juice and apple sauce.
Quarter and core the second apple. Cut into 12 slices about 2-3mm thin and set aside.
Mix all ingredients together (except for the apple slices).
Pour the dough into the prepared baking pan.
Spread the 12 apple slices on the dough so that there is an apple slice on each bar after baking and cutting.
Bake for about 30 minutes.
Remove from the oven and cut into 12 pieces while still hot.
Let it cool down. And then enjoy!