The slow-carb diet is currently very trendy. Slow carbs refer to complex or slow carbohydrates . These are intended to ensure a largely constant blood sugar level. This is expected to result in long-lasting satiety, protection against food cravings, and improved fat loss. But what is really wrong with these claims? In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the topic of slow carbs.
What are slow carbs anyway?
Slow carbs are currently in vogue. The so-called slow-carb diet is therefore about selecting carbohydrates that are slow to digest. These are complex carbohydrates that differ from simple sugars in their chemical structure. They have a significantly longer molecular structure.
The technical language refers to so-called complex polymers, which include oligo- or polysaccharides. "Fast carbohydrates", on the other hand, include simple sugars such as mono- and disaccharides.
Monosaccharides (simple sugars) include well-known representatives such as glucose, fructose, and galactose. If two molecules of monosaccharides combine, double sugars, also called disaccharides, are formed. Well-known representatives of this carbohydrate group are lactose, sucrose, and maltose.
The chemical structure of oligo- and polysaccharides becomes significantly more complex. They consist of three to nine simple sugar molecules or more than nine monosaccharides.
This sounds somewhat theoretical at first and of little importance for practice, but this is not the case. Because the chemical structure has a decisive influence on the utilization and thus effect in the body.
How complex carbohydrates affect your body
Complex carbohydrates are known to be healthier than their readily available counterparts. But why is that? What is actually behind this claim?
Carbohydrates are known to have a decisive influence on blood glucose concentration. The body's response to dietary carbohydrates is described in science as glycemic index. It has been shown that complex carbohydrates cause blood sugar levels to rise less rapidly than simple sugars, for example.

However, it should be emphasized that the chemical structure is only one of several influencing factors. In addition to the molecular structure, the amount of carbohydrates consumed, the type and physical form of the sugar source, and the composition of the meal also have a significant influence on the utilization and effect in the human body.
For example, it makes a decisive difference whether the type of sugar is glucose, fructose, or galactose. On the other hand, the physical form of the carbohydrate source is also important – this depends primarily on the processing. For example, it makes a difference whether you eat your oatmeal raw in the cereal at breakfast or in a swollen form in the porridge.
Probably the most decisive influence, however, is the actual meal with all its components. In addition to the amount of carbohydrates consumed, it is important how high the fat and protein content is, what amount of fiber is present in the meal, and what other foods find their place in the meal. For example, legumes cause a less pronounced rise in blood sugar levels due to so-called amylase inhibitors.
These are the main sources of complex carbohydrates
The best sources for a healthy course of blood glucose concentration are thus of complex structure, rich in healthy fiber, healthy fatty acids, and proteins. It is also advisable to incorporate healthy legumes into your daily diet.
Because both fiber and fats and proteins ensure a longer stay in the stomach and thus delayed absorption of sugar into the bloodstream. This not only ensures a smoother course of the blood sugar reaction but also a long-lasting saturation and an optimized energy supply.
The most important sources of complex carbohydrates can be found in the following list.
- Wholemeal pasta and flour
- Beans, lentils, and peas
- Quinoa, bulgur, and buckwheat
- Oatmeal and oat bran
- Nuts and seeds
As a little inspiration for preparing meals full of complex carbohydrates, we have chosen two delicious and healthy recipes:

Hazelnut Chocolate Baked Oats
- 80 g Verival Sport Porridge Chocolate Banana
- 110 g oatmeal
- 300 ml plant milk
- 1 egg
- 2 tbsp maple syrup
- 1 tsp. baking powder
- 1 pinch of salt
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- 1 tbsp cocoa powder
- 50 g grated hazelnuts
Preheat your oven to 190 degrees convection.
First, add the porridge, oatmeal, baking powder, salt, cinnamon, cocoa powder, and hazelnuts to a casserole dish.
Next, transfer the plant drink, egg, and maple syrup to another bowl and mix well.
Then mix the mixture from the bowl with the dry ingredients.
Finally, you can put the baking dish in the oven and bake the baked porridge for 30 minutes.
After the baking time, you can take the porridge out of the oven, let it cool down briefly, and then enjoy.

Vegan Chia Seed Pancakes
- 100 g oatmeal
- 50 g flour
- 1/2 pkg baking powder
- 1 pkg vanilla sugar
- 1 pinch of salt
- 300 ml vegan plant drink
- 20 g melted coconut oil
- 1.5 tbsp chia seeds
First, crush the oatmeal in a small blender so that the oatmeal turns into a fine flour.
Then mix the oatmeal with the flour and baking powder.
Then add the vanilla sugar and add the pinch of salt.
Next, melt the coconut oil and add the chia seeds with the oil to the ingredients.
Finally, pour the vegan milk over the remaining ingredients.
Then mix all the ingredients gently with a spoon until a dough is formed. If there are still lumps in the dough, it is not bad; they will disappear during frying.
Heat a pan and add some oil for searing. Our insider tip is a small pan that can also be used for eggs; this way, all pancakes will be the same size.
Gradually add small portions of the dough to the pan and fry the pancakes until golden-brown.
Finally, stack all the pancakes and enhance with toppings such as fruit, nuts, or chia seeds.
Nutritional values
Oatmeal and whole grain oatmeal in Verival Sport Porridge provide plenty of complex carbohydrates and digestive fiber in these two recipes. In addition, the protein-rich chia seeds provide an extra portion of fiber. The recipes are rounded off with healthy sources of fat such as nuts and seeds.
This is what simple carbohydrates do in the body
Simple carbohydrates, such as single and double sugars, can be quickly utilized and channeled into the bloodstream due to their shorter chemical structure. From there, they reach those organs that are dependent on carbohydrates. However, the disadvantage of readily available carbohydrate sources is that they cause blood sugar levels to rise rapidly.
The insulin response is correspondingly strong, which can lead to health problems in the longer term. These include type 2 diabetes mellitus as well as obesity and its potential sequelae.
However, in terms of overweight and obesity, the nature of carbohydrates is only part of the problem. Rather, it is about a calorie surplus – this means that you take in more calories than your body actually needs. To determine your individual energy needs, you can use so-called calorie calculators. Calorie calculators use your entered data to calculate the amount of calories that your body actually needs.
If you want to avoid diet-related diseases, you should therefore try to incorporate fast carbohydrates into your diet in a targeted and well-dosed manner. In addition to their function as sweeteners in recipes, they have the property of being easily digestible and quickly available, making them popular training companions, especially in sports circles.
Carbohydrates when exercising – what do I have to consider?
In principle, the same applies to athletes as to non-athletes. The majority of carbohydrates should be consumed through slow carbs. This ensures a more optimal energy supply throughout the day, which increases performance and prevents unnecessary food cravings.
However, just before, during, and after training, this looks a bit different. Because sport itself is about ensuring that food does not linger in the stomach for too long. If this is the case, performance will suffer greatly.
This is due to the fact that digestion takes up part of the blood, making less available for the working muscles. As a result, the transport of important molecules in the blood to the skeletal muscles is only suboptimal, which demonstrably reduces performance.
How to get the most out of exercise
In order to be efficient and full of energy when exercising, you should therefore ensure the best possible nutrition around the workout. The following applies: small amounts of fats and fiber, but plenty of quickly available carbohydrates and proteins.
A meal just before training is not necessary in most cases. Only if your last meal was many hours ago and you need some energy in the short term, it can be helpful to eat a small pre-workout meal.
This should be easy to digest and quickly provide energy and proteins. Fats and fiber should be saved for meals away from exercise, as they extend the duration of food in the stomach.
During exercise, it may be beneficial, especially if the workout lasts more than an hour, to consume a targeted amount of readily available carbohydrates. Best in the form of a sports drink, which you can either buy or prepare yourself. Ideally, the sports drink should be isotonic. This ensures improved absorption of nutrients and less strain on the digestive tract.
For example, a mixture of 750 ml of water, 250 ml of fruit juice, and a pinch of salt is best taken by mouth. The sports drink is full of important nutrients for athletes , which can prevent muscle cramps and protect carbohydrate stores.
After the workout, the rules of thumb are still the same. You can now only increase the amount of protein to initiate regeneration and support it in the best possible way. However, you should avoid fats and fiber as much as possible shortly after training, as your muscles need a large part of the blood.
For all meals away from the training session, however, the following applies: plenty of complex carbohydrates, healthy fiber , a healthy portion of protein, plenty of micronutrients, and healthy fatty acids. After all, all these components ultimately contribute to optimized regeneration and a healthy lifestyle.