There are many ways to lose fat. The list of diets, workouts and rules is endless. Yet it can actually be quite simple to lose weight healthily. In this article, we will help you to better understand fat loss and support you in achieving your goal with valuable tips.
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How does fat loss actually work?
When we lose fat, the fat cells don't just disappear. They don't turn into muscle cells either or migrate to another part of the body. In fact, they stay exactly where they are – just under the skin. Only the contents of the cells, i.e. the fat itself, is broken down.
To do this, the stored fat must first be transported out of the fat cell. Through complex hormonal and enzymatic processes, it leaves the cell and enters the bloodstream, and migrates to where it is needed – for example, to the muscles. It is only there that the fat is then burned.
Our fat cells therefore serve as energy stores that empty when energy is needed. The fuller the store, the bigger the bulges on the stomach, hips and bottom and the longer it takes to use up the stored energy. [1]
How to determine your body fat percentage
It is almost impossible to determine your body fat percentage without a measuring device. One of the most commonly used methods is a special set of scales. These sophisticated devices conduct imperceptible electrical impulses through the body. Since fat has a lower resistance than other body cells, the scales can determine the body fat percentage using a mathematical formula.
If you don't have a special scale but still want to know whether your weight is within the normal range, you can use the BMI calculator to find out. But be careful: BMI doesn't take into account your fat and muscle percentage and is therefore only a rough guide. If you want to know exactly, you should consider having a professional body fat measurement.
These two factors are most important for losing fat
Fat reserves are burned when the body needs energy. This is the case when we consume too few calories through food to supply our muscles and organs with enough energy.
So, to get rid of your love handles, you need to achieve a calorie deficit. There are two ways to do this: diet and exercise.
By eating a healthy diet and knowing your daily calorie requirement, you can lose weight. To lose weight, you shouldn't consume more calories than you burn, according to the calorie calculator. However, the calorie deficit should not be more than 400-500 kcal, because your organs and metabolism need energy to carry out vital processes.
If you don't want to eat less to achieve a calorie deficit, you can also increase your activity level and thus your daily calorie requirement instead.
However, it's best to combine exercise and nutrition to achieve long-term success.
Losing fat and building muscle at the same time – is that possible?
Losing fat and building muscle at the same time is something many people want, and according to scientific studies, it is definitely possible. However, it requires a lot of discipline and the support of a nutritionist. It's easy to explain why this plan is particularly difficult to implement: while you need a calorie deficit to lose fat, you need a calorie surplus to build muscle. These two goals couldn't be more opposite.
Although individual training plans and nutritional strategies are necessary to lose fat and build muscle at the same time, there are some principles you can follow:
- A small calorie deficit and regular endurance training can help you lose fat.
- Strength training with heavy weights helps muscles grow.
- A small calorie deficit and cardio training help you lose fat.
- Make sure you have a high protein intake so that you can build muscle. [2]
It is also important to note that the aim here is not to lose weight, but to lose fat. If you build muscle, your weight will inevitably increase. The number on the scales is irrelevant for the time being.
Is it possible to lose fat from specific parts of the body?
Unfortunately, you can't train away problem areas. If you decide to lose fat, you can't choose which parts of your body will lose their fat deposits first. A reduction in body fat is only possible as a whole.
Muscles, on the other hand, can be built up in a targeted way. This does not make the fat pads disappear, but the body becomes firmer. To put it casually, the fat is distributed better when there is more muscle mass underneath.
Optimal nutrition for fat loss
To achieve your dream figure and maintain it later, you should definitely stay away from crash diets and instead opt for healthy weight loss without starving.
There are many different approaches here, but they all have one thing in common: the calorie deficit. Some people succeed with a low-carb diet, others rely on an interval fasting plan. Still others manage to feel comfortable in their own skin in the long term with a low-fat diet. The possibilities are almost endless.
According to scientific findings, there are some foods that can help with fat loss because, on the one hand, they keep you full for longer and, on the other hand, they trigger certain hormones and processes to promote fat burning [1]:
- Protein-rich foods: lean meat, dairy products, legumes
- Fruits: lemons, oranges, grapefruits, apples, grapes, cherries, kiwis, and raspberries
- Vegetables: broccoli, artichokes, spinach, peas, cauliflower, beetroot, cucumbers
- Cereals, seeds, and legumes: oats, lentils, beans, flaxseeds
- Thermogenic foods that heat the body: chillies, jalapeños, ginger
- Water
6 nutrition tips to lose fat
1. Eat lots of vegetables
Most vegetables are extremely low in calories and are therefore ideal for increasing the volume of your meals without breaking the calorie limit. This way you will feel full despite your calorie deficit.
2. fruit that stimulates fat loss
As mentioned above, there are some types of fruit that are particularly suitable for fat loss due to their nutrients.
3. oats for breakfast
Oats contain important dietary fibres that keep you full for longer and boost your metabolism. What's more, they are digested slowly, which means that insulin levels do not rise too rapidly and cravings can be prevented. Scientists advise eating a bowl of porridge in the morning to boost fat loss.
4. Eat legumes
Legumes contain zinc and copper, which support thyroid function and can boost the metabolism.
5. Drink plenty of water
Water is important for a functioning metabolism and also flushes toxins out of the body. Studies confirm that additional water consumption can promote fat loss.
6. Low-carbohydrate diet to lose fat
Some scientific studies suggest that a low-carb diet is particularly effective for quickly getting rid of unwanted fat deposits. [3] However, the results are not entirely clear and actual success always depends on your physical condition. For this reason, you should always seek medical advice or speak to a nutritionist before starting your diet.
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[1] El-Zayat, S.R., Sibaii, H. & El-Shamy, K.A. Physiological process of fat loss. Bull Natl Res Cent 43, 208 (2019).
[2] Capritto, A. Yes, You Can Build Muscle and Lose Fat at the Same Time. CNET. 2018 Jan 18.
[3] Chawla S, Tessarolo Silva F, Amaral Medeiros S, Mekary RA, Radenkovic D. The Effect of Low-Fat and Low-Carbohydrate Diets on Weight Loss and Lipid Levels: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Nutrients. 2020 Dec 9;12(12):3774. doi: 10.3390/nu12123774.