Weight loss

The two most important factors when it comes to losing weight in a healthy way are a healthy diet and physical activity. In our magazine, we give you lots of tips on how to lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way with a healthy breakfast and physical activity.

Weight loss

Ketodiät - Das musst du wissen

Ketogenic diet – what you need to know

In recent years, the keto diet has gained importance in science due to its many health benefits. The results of numerous studies are promising, which is why the high-fat, low-carbohydrate...

Nadine Palmetshofer

Ketogenic diet – what you need to know

In recent years, the keto diet has gained importance in science due to its many health benefits. The results of numerous studies are promising, which is why the high-fat, low-carbohydrate...

Nadine Palmetshofer
Porridge in der Mikrowelle

Porridge in the Microwave – Is That Actually Po...

Preparation is always open to discussion. Whether you’re cooking your porridge or prefer overnight oats, oats are one of the healthiest breakfast dishes you can make. But what about porridge...

Dominik Wendl

Porridge in the Microwave – Is That Actually Po...

Preparation is always open to discussion. Whether you’re cooking your porridge or prefer overnight oats, oats are one of the healthiest breakfast dishes you can make. But what about porridge...

Dominik Wendl
Porridge mit Mandelmilch

Porridge with Almond Milk – Is It the Healthies...

Porridge has become one of the most popular breakfast dishes for many people. It is healthy, full of nutrients, and simply delicious. The preparation methods are always up for discussion....

Dominik Wendl

Porridge with Almond Milk – Is It the Healthies...

Porridge has become one of the most popular breakfast dishes for many people. It is healthy, full of nutrients, and simply delicious. The preparation methods are always up for discussion....

Dominik Wendl
Wie viele Kalorien brauche ich, um gesund abzunehmen?

How Many Calories Do I Need to Lose Weight Heal...

If you want to lose weight, you should get enough exercise, as this increases your calorie requirements. An active lifestyle also requires a healthy and wholesome diet that contains all...

Alexandra Wiesinger

How Many Calories Do I Need to Lose Weight Heal...

If you want to lose weight, you should get enough exercise, as this increases your calorie requirements. An active lifestyle also requires a healthy and wholesome diet that contains all...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Haferbrei – darum ist er das beste Frühstück zum Abnehmen

Oatmeal – that's why it's the best breakfast fo...

Oats or porridge are one of the healthiest breakfast dishes there is. Over the last few years, Oatmeal has really become the front runner in the breakfast world. You can't...

Dominik Wendl

Oatmeal – that's why it's the best breakfast fo...

Oats or porridge are one of the healthiest breakfast dishes there is. Over the last few years, Oatmeal has really become the front runner in the breakfast world. You can't...

Dominik Wendl
BMI Rechner Frauen - das solltest du wissen

BMI Calculator for Women – What You Should Know

The body mass index relates a person's weight and height. With this simple method and the BMI calculator for women, you can quickly determine your BMI value.

Alexandra Wiesinger

BMI Calculator for Women – What You Should Know

The body mass index relates a person's weight and height. With this simple method and the BMI calculator for women, you can quickly determine your BMI value.

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
BMI Rechner für Männer

BMI Calculator for Men: What Should the BMI Be ...

The BMI calculator is no longer just for women. Men are also becoming more aware of the importance of a healthy, well-defined body and the ideal BMI. Do you already...

Alexandra Wiesinger

BMI Calculator for Men: What Should the BMI Be ...

The BMI calculator is no longer just for women. Men are also becoming more aware of the importance of a healthy, well-defined body and the ideal BMI. Do you already...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Mit Keto Diät abnehmen

Keto – These Are the Best Foods

For many people, dieting is part of everyday life. Losing weight is often a difficult undertaking and involves a lot of effort. But it doesn't always have to be that...

Dominik Wendl

Keto – These Are the Best Foods

For many people, dieting is part of everyday life. Losing weight is often a difficult undertaking and involves a lot of effort. But it doesn't always have to be that...

Dominik Wendl
Overnight Oats zum Abnehmen

Overnight oats for weight loss

Whether you're looking for low-calorie overnight oats to help you lose weight or a delicious porridge to give you more energy, oats are a daily must at the breakfast table...

Nicolas Dworak

Overnight oats for weight loss

Whether you're looking for low-calorie overnight oats to help you lose weight or a delicious porridge to give you more energy, oats are a daily must at the breakfast table...

Nicolas Dworak
Frühstück unter 400 Kalorien: Rezepte von VERIVAL

7 Delicious Recipes for Breakfast Under 400 Cal...

An eating plan can be a great help in losing weight in a healthy way in the long term. It provides structure, and you can learn a lot about healthy...

Nadine Palmetshofer

7 Delicious Recipes for Breakfast Under 400 Cal...

An eating plan can be a great help in losing weight in a healthy way in the long term. It provides structure, and you can learn a lot about healthy...

Nadine Palmetshofer
Abnehmtipps von VERIVAL, die funktionieren

5 Weight Loss Tips That Really Work

One-sided diets are a thing of the past, as more and more people are shifting their focus away from rapid weight loss towards a long-term strategy for losing weight healthily....

Alexandra Wiesinger

5 Weight Loss Tips That Really Work

One-sided diets are a thing of the past, as more and more people are shifting their focus away from rapid weight loss towards a long-term strategy for losing weight healthily....

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Abnehmen mit Intervallfasten 14/10

Lose Weight with Intermittent Fasting 14/10 – W...

Whether for weight loss or to increase well-being, intermittent fasting 14/10 is gaining more and more popularity. What began as a trend years ago was accelerated by the coronavirus pandemic....

Nicolas Dworak

Lose Weight with Intermittent Fasting 14/10 – W...

Whether for weight loss or to increase well-being, intermittent fasting 14/10 is gaining more and more popularity. What began as a trend years ago was accelerated by the coronavirus pandemic....

Nicolas Dworak
Hilfreiche Apps beim Intervallfasten

Intermittent Fasting Apps – Losing Weight with ...

Intermittent fasting apps are now available like sand by the sea. Some of them are useless, but others are actually very helpful and effective. Especially with intermittent fasting, a variety...

Dominik Wendl

Intermittent Fasting Apps – Losing Weight with ...

Intermittent fasting apps are now available like sand by the sea. Some of them are useless, but others are actually very helpful and effective. Especially with intermittent fasting, a variety...

Dominik Wendl
Intervallfasten im 20:4 Rhythmus - wie effektiv ist es?

Intermittent Fasting in the 20:4 Rhythm – How E...

Intermittent fasting, for example, following the 20:4 rhythm, has now become part of the basic repertoire of a healthy diet for many. There is often discussion of its positive effects...

Nicolas Dworak

Intermittent Fasting in the 20:4 Rhythm – How E...

Intermittent fasting, for example, following the 20:4 rhythm, has now become part of the basic repertoire of a healthy diet for many. There is often discussion of its positive effects...

Nicolas Dworak
Abnehmen mit Ernährungsplan von VERIVAL

Diet Plan to Lose Weight – How to Lose Weight H...

If you want to lose weight in a healthy way, a nutrition plan is a good idea. Unlike most diets, an eating plan should not contain any prohibitions but should...

Nadine Palmetshofer

Diet Plan to Lose Weight – How to Lose Weight H...

If you want to lose weight in a healthy way, a nutrition plan is a good idea. Unlike most diets, an eating plan should not contain any prohibitions but should...

Nadine Palmetshofer
10 Fehler, die du beim Abnehmen vermeiden solltest

10 Mistakes to Avoid When Losing Weight

Losing weight is a big challenge for many people. Countless books, blogs and guides are available to help people who are trying to lose weight, but they can be overwhelming....

Nicolas Dworak

10 Mistakes to Avoid When Losing Weight

Losing weight is a big challenge for many people. Countless books, blogs and guides are available to help people who are trying to lose weight, but they can be overwhelming....

Nicolas Dworak
Die 15 überraschendsten Superfoods

Superfoods: The 15 Most Surprising Foods

Superfoods have become an indispensable part of our diets. In recent years in particular, various superfoods have truly become the subject of hype. Oats have impressively demonstrated that these miracle...

Dominik Wendl

Superfoods: The 15 Most Surprising Foods

Superfoods have become an indispensable part of our diets. In recent years in particular, various superfoods have truly become the subject of hype. Oats have impressively demonstrated that these miracle...

Dominik Wendl
Kalorienarme Lebensmittel

Low-calorie foods – These are the top 5 lower-c...

Many different diets, hundreds of different facts and myths about losing weight – but how does losing weight with a healthy diet actually work? Low-calorie foods are the key to...

Dominik Wendl

Low-calorie foods – These are the top 5 lower-c...

Many different diets, hundreds of different facts and myths about losing weight – but how does losing weight with a healthy diet actually work? Low-calorie foods are the key to...

Dominik Wendl